
SCI at 5yrs
858 inches
Lenght at 5yrs:
50/48 inches
Inside span at 5yrs:
39 inches
Hard Antler kg at 5yrs:

Grazie, photographed here at five years old, boasts an incredibly impressive set of antlers. One side measures a remarkable 50 inches, with the other at 48 inches. His antlers are not only lengthy but also exhibit excellent width and an undeniable attraction factor. Scoring an astounding 858 inches of antler at just five years old is truly exceptional. It's no wonder, given his 403's width and length, Davidson's scoring prowess, and Milo's impeccable style.


  • Grazie

    • 14493

      • 403-Spotsburn

        • Adonis

        • Highlander

      • 102235

        • Hannibal

        • 08151

    • 14415

      • Davidson

        • Harley

        • 162Yellow

      • 121067

        • Milo

        • 0713RD

  • Grazie at 6yrs
  • Grazie at 6yrs
  • Grazie at 6yrs