Wed Nov 27 2024
Forrester Auction 2024 - Catalogue OUT NOW!
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Our philosophy has always been that simplicity is best, particularly if you’re running an extensive operation. To produce venison in a straight-forward, profitable manner, you need effective, reliable Terminal sires, and healthy, robust and hardy hinds.
When we expanded our deer farming activities (with the introduction of a 3,500-strong commercial breeding hind herd) we identified the need for a Terminal sire with powerful genetics; one that was highly-productive, totally reliable and easy to maintain.
Employing the skills of Dr Peter Fennessy of Abacus Bio Ltd, we analysed desirable genetic traits and developed a breeding strategy to create a superior B11 Terminal sire. We selected the correct conformation and growth rate superior elk bloodlines, together with early calving, high libido red deer identified with superior breeding values. Bloodlines for hardiness and disease resilience were also key considerations.
Our B11 sires must achieve the following goals:
- Utilise the advantages of hybrid vigour to enhance superior growth rates.
- Achieve early calving within a tight range.
- Possess reliably high libido obviating the need for back up stags.
- Increase the number of hinds a stag can cover.
- Be a hardy, easy-to-winter (and easy-care) sire.
- Early calving. Scanning & foetal assessment indicate a high percentage of first cycle conception.
- High conception rates. We are currently achieving up to 98% conception rates using our 2 year olds at a rate of 1:40 with no backup stags.
- Growth Rates. B11 progeny appear to be growing at the same rate as Wapiti crosses but with more consistent progeny per sire. With careful selection growth rates are continuing to increase.
- Clients have noted that stags come out of the roar in excellent condition and appear very hardy. - -- They are proving to be very easy to winter.
- Johnes Resilience. From the extensive work we have carried out with the Otago University on Johnes we have achieved a degree of Johnes Resilience in our B11’s, which is passed onto their progeny.
Our B11 sires must achieve the following goals:
- Utilise the advantages of hybrid vigour to enhance superior growth rates.
- Achieve early calving within a tight range.
- Possess reliably high libido obviating the need for back up stags.
- Increase the number of hinds a stag can cover.
- Be a hardy, easy-to-winter (and easy-care) sire.
- Early calving. Scanning & foetal assessment indicate a high percentage of first cycle conception.
- High conception rates. We are currently achieving up to 98% conception rates using our 2 year olds at a rate of 1:40 with no backup stags.
- Growth Rates. B11 progeny appear to be growing at the same rate as Wapiti crosses but with more consistent progeny per sire. With careful selection growth rates are continuing to increase.
- Clients have noted that stags come out of the roar in excellent condition and appear very hardy. - -- They are proving to be very easy to winter.
- Johnes Resilience. From the extensive work we have carried out with the Otago University on Johnes we have achieved a degree of Johnes Resilience in our B11’s, which is passed onto their progeny.